Thanks to those who came and said nice things about the 2D6 ranges at the Joy of Six. A bigger thank you that crossed my palm with silver and helped the war effort.
I believe, with the British Paras, American Airborne, the Normans and the WW2 Normandy buildings and the Rhodesian bush war range you have all been very well catered for this year! So extraneous was the output that the week before joy of 6, 2D6 Wargaming actually went bankrupt! However it managed to hold its breath to cross the finish line and the Jo6 saved the day. The big gambles of the past 9 months payed off and the enterprise can keep going, for now. So please keep up your support I really do appreciate it.
Orders in the workshop are back on their usual schedule after recovering from the huge effort in the build up to the Jo6. The next show I plan on attending is Peterborough at the beginning of September. Details of that are at the end of this news letter.
The Normans are now officially released. They are available in packs of 12 strips or as an army pack.
N-MS (Norman Mounted Standard)
Click here to see the new Norman range!
These fine buildings are finally available. They are true 285th scale versions of ones found in Normandy, great for WW1 to the end of the cold war and maybe beyond.
Normandy Church
Click here to see the new Normandy buildings!
Rhodesian Bush War
Following on with this epic set of releases is Rhodesian Bush war.

Grey Scouts
If anyone has any ideas what pack sizes this range should be produced in, please let me know as Im a little lost for ideas. If sales are successful, I shall produce more strips and vehicles to compliment. it is nice to finally be moving into the cold war era proper.
The new codes are;
- RAR- Rhodesian African Rifles
- RSAS - Rhodesian Special Air Service
- RLI - Rhodesian Light Infantry
- SS - Selous Scouts
- GS - Grey Scouts
- CT1 - Communist Terrorists 1
- CT2 - Communist Terrorists 2
Click here to see the full range of Bush War figures!
Lastly I will be at the Hereward show, so if you are within strike range you might want to come, details below:
Hereward Wargames Show
Sunday 3rd September 2023
The Cresset
Bretton Centre
10am - 4pm
- £3 in advance
- £5 on door
- accompanied U16s free